Software Development Kit

The SAM software development kit (SDK) is a collection of developer tools for creating renewable energy system models using an application programming interface (API) that  provides access to the SAM Simulation Core (SSC):

The SSC API provides access to SSC, which is a library of modules for modeling renewable energy projects.

SDKtool is a program that comes with your SAM installation to explore SSC. It includes a module browser that can run individual SSC modules, a data container that displays editable lists of module inputs and outputs, and a script editor where you can test your algorithms in the LK scripting language.

The SSC Guide is a user manual for the SDK.

SAM's code generator generates creates a ready-to-run program written in one of various languages with supporting libraries and data files from the information in a SAM case.


To get started with the SDK:

1.Download the SSC Guide from the SDK page on the SAM website.

2.In your SAM installation folder, find the SDKtool application. It should be in the same folder as the SAM application (for example, in Windows, c:/SAM/SAM 2022.11.21 r3/x64/sdktool.exe).

3.Start SAM, and create or open a project for the kind system you would like to model.

4.On the Case menu, click Generate Code, or press Shift+F5.

5.Choose a language to export the code.

6.Navigate to the folder where you want to save the file(s). For some cases or languages, SAM will save a set of files, so you may want to create a new folder to make it easier to find the files.